Friday, May 27, 2011

Yo, Collard!

by Kimberlee

OK, I don't have collards growing, I just like saying collards, because it is a beautiful word. Oh, and eating them. I like that a lot!

After my bragging of how awesome all our plants were doing in my last post, we find ourselves at something of a standstill because the weather has decided to do nothing but stay cold or rain.  Trust me, where I'm at, I'm not going to complain too much about weather - we had a few touchdowns in the area and one unfortunate soul killed in his car because of a falling tree, but nothing as bad as all over the Midwest.  I have this primal fear of tornadoes, and didn't have to deal with it for 13 years in NYC. (True story, the day AFTER I moved from NYC, it had its first recorded tornado - in Brooklyn - in recorded history or at least close to that.) But we did get a big reward in the sky after some of the worst weather:

Doesn't it make you want to listen to this beautiful version of Over the Rainbow?

So the patio is now chock full of plants ready to go in the ground (in some cases) and ready to make the patio a beautiful retreat in the other cases.  And of course we continue to buy more seeds and seedlings, I've become pretty adept at reading packets.  I bought these wonderful seeds for Chinese Lanterns that are going into biodegradable pots today.

Chinese Lanterns
Aren't they gorgeous?  And if you've never tried bio pots, they're these awesome little starters that degrade when you plant them in the ground, so it cuts down on waste and mitigate root shock.  I think they will look amazing as cuttings

Striking Arrangement
In the bed news, my lavender from seeds was a big FAIL, sadly, so I broke down and bought them in slightly larger than seedling form and put them in the pallet.  Ahhh, the pallet.  it should be up on its side in its proper vertical position by now, but the weather kept me from planting the middle section until yesterday, so I should have it up in its vertical place in a few days after the roots take hold.  I'm thrilled with how it looks so far, and can't wait to make salad from the lettuce, little bouquets from the flowers and learn how to make soap/candles from the herbs.  Most of the flowers are edible, too, so we'll be eating some very pretty salads this year.

Just waiting for the roots to take hold!  Amongst other things, it has bee balm, lavender, mint, lettuces.

Several plantlets waiting for the big garden

This will eventually become butterfly central

I'm also very excited about the veg that Hubby is going to be devoted to, not only because it will be delicious and fresh and I love knowing where my food comes from, or that it's good for the planet, but because now I'm getting excited at the thought of jarring/canning for the first time since I was a girl.  We're probably not going to be pressure canning (we'll be freezing those things instead), but some pickling and tomato sauce will be in order.  He's also planned an amazing garden layout, which is not only attractive but where plants that are friendly with other plants nestle together, protected by herbs and annuals that naturally drive away pests.  He's also covered our plots with compost from our awesome Compost Site, which is free to individuals and a great resource.

I, however, need to plan out my garden spot.  I have most of the seeds/plants I need, but the set-up itself still exists mostly as an image in my brain that resembles an picture from House Beautiful or Home & Garden.  Because I'm sure it will turn out exactly like that, right?  Right? OK, pretty garden zen moments:

Better Homes & Gardens
Rye Castle
Lemony Zest

Martha Stewart
Better Homes & Garden

Well, a girl can dream, can't she?

Coming up next: a review of a lovely piece of jewelry, a different kind of fantasy garden, and how I spent the Rapture with the Gin Blossoms!
Hey mom, which of these do I get to eat?  All of them, right?


  1. We have a little pot garden going on our back deck/porch this year, but I've been so tempted to try out one of the community gardens. Love that your landlord has that spot you guys can use!

    Thanks for commenting on blog. :) I'm following you now too!


  2. I am completely in awe of your patio garden! It looks so lush and pretty! What's your secret?

  3. aw, scrabble. can't blame the rascal. your pallet is looking delicious!


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